Vim Jump to CSS Definition from Class or ID in HTML
Reading time: 2min
Recently I came across a great Vim function on Stack Overflow. Once added
to your .vimrc
, it allows you to jump from a class or ID within an HTML
document directly to the associated styles in your CSS.
Place this function in your .vimrc
function! JumpToCSS()
let id_pos = searchpos("id", "nb", line('.'))[1]
let class_pos = searchpos("class", "nb", line('.'))[1]
if class_pos > 0 || id_pos > 0
if class_pos < id_pos
execute ":vim '#".expand('<cword>')."' */styles/**/*.scss"
elseif class_pos > id_pos
execute ":vim '.".expand('<cword>')."' */styles/**/*.scss"
I scoped the function's query to my style directory to speed up the search.
Simply change */styles/**/*.scss
to reference your SCSS/LESS/CSS/etc directory
(don't forget to change the extension if you are not using SCSS).
Inside Vim, open an HTML document and place your cursor over a class or ID and run the function by typing:
:call JumpToCSS()
Once the query finishes, Vim will open the file and take you to the correct style definition.
Bonus: If you love your keyboard shortcuts like I do, add a quick shortcut to your
nnoremap <leader>] :call JumpToCSS()
This will allow you to simply hit your leader key followed by a closing bracket:
to call the function.